Campus Contact Information
Switchboard and general information: (719) 389-6000
Looking for a specific person? Try the Searchable Email and Phone Directory (requires CC login).
- Accessibility Resources , Armstrong Hall 219
- Director (719) 227-8285
- ADA/504 (719) 227-8285
- Admission , Cutler Hall (
- Main (719) 389-6344
- Fax (719) 389-6816
- Advancement Division , Spencer Center (
- Main (719) 389-7700
- Fax (719) 389-6260
- Toll-Free 800-782-6306
- Advancement Operations, Spencer Center
- Main (719) 389-7700
- Associate Vice President for Advancement Operations and Campaign Director (719) 389-6351
- College Events (719) 389-6265
- Data Analysis (719) 389-6332
- Gifts (719) 389-6354
- Records (719) 389-6058
- Research (719) 389-6463
- Stewardship (719) 389-6692
- Alumni and Family Relations, Tutt Alumni House (
- Main (719) 389-6775
- Director of Alumni and Family Relations (719) 389-6772
- Fax (719) 389-6754
- On-Campus Programs (719) 389-6744
- Off-Campus Programs (719) 389-6464
- Parent and Family Relations ( (719) 389-6103
- Development, Spencer Center
- Main (719) 389-7700
- Annual Giving, 218 E. Cache La Poudre St. ( (800) 782-6306
- Assistant Vice President for Development (719) 389-6785
- Corporate & Foundation Relations (719) 389-6892
- Planned Giving (719) 389-6230
- Anthropology , Barnes Science Center
- Main (719) 389-6358
- Fax (719) 389-6258
- Art , Packard Hall
- Main (719) 389-6365 (719) 389-6366
- Fax (719) 389-6882
- Packard Printshop/Darkroom (719) 389-6158
- Shop (719) 389-6377
- Slide Library (719) 389-6375
- Asian Studies , Interdisciplinary House
- Main (719) 389-6909
- Director (719) 389-6525
- Athletics , El Pomar Sports Center
- Main (719) 389-6475 (719) 389-6476
- Fax (719) 389-6873
- Baca Campus , Center for Global Education & Field Study
- Main (719) 389-6077
- Bon Appétit , Ticknor Hall
- General Manager (719) 389-6832
- Bemis Hall (719) 389-6634
- Catering, Ticknor Hall (719) 389-6576
- Worner Campus Center Manager (719) 389-6166
- Fax (Ticknor Office) (719) 389-6861
- Rastall Kitchen, Worner Campus Center (719) 389-6806
- Local Goods (C-Store), Mathias (719) 389-6988
- Preserve, John Lord Knight (719) 389-6600
- Retail Manager (719) 389-6673
- Finance Manager (719) 389-6152
- Community Engagement Manager (719) 389-6760
- Bookstore , Yalich Student Services Center
- Cashier (719) 389-6125
- Fax (719) 389-6898
- Manager (719) 389-6393
- Shipping and Receiving (719) 389-6123
- Textbook Specialist (719) 389-6794
- Butler Center, The
- Main (719) 389-6338
- Cabin Reservations
- Main (719) 389-6607
- Campus Activities , Worner Campus Center
- Main (719) 389-6800
- Crafts - Metals / Jewelry (719) 389-6677
- Crafts - Pottery / Weaving (719) 389-6769
- Campus Safety , 219 E. Uintah, Worner 116
- On-Campus Emergency (719) 389-6911
- On-Campus Non-Emergency (719) 389-6707
- Parking (719) 389-6888
- Career Center , 1130 N. Cascade Ave.
- (719) 389-6893
- Fax (719) 389-6804
- Catalyst (Student Newspaper), 1028 N. Weber Street (
- CCSGA (Student Government) , Worner Campus Center
- Main (719) 389-6676
- Center for Global Education & Field Study , Armstrong Hall
- Main (719) 389-6077
- Chaplain's Office , Shove Memorial Chapel
- (719) 389-6638
- Fax (719) 389-6640
- Chemistry and Biochemistry, Barnes Science Center
- (719) 389-6430
- Fax (719) 389-6182
- Children's Center
- Office (719) 389-6764
- Fax (719) 389-6714
- Chinese Program , Armstrong Hall
- Main (719) 389-6635
- Cipher (Student Publication), 1028 N. Weber Street
- Classics Cossitt Hall
- Main (719) 227-8333
- Fax (719) 227-8334
- Colket Center for Academic Excellence, Tutt Library
- Main (719) 389-6742 (719) 389-6168
- Director (719) 389-6726
- English as a Second Language (719) 227-8288
- Quantitative Reasoning Center (719) 227-8289
- Reading, Rhetoric, and First-Year Programs (719) 227-8291
- Writing Center (719) 389-6742
- Collaborative for Community Engagement, 1008 N. Weber St.
- Main (719) 389-6846
- College Events , Spencer Center (
- Main (719) 389-6935
- Communications & Marketing, Spencer Center (
- Main (719) 389-6603
- The Peak
- Fax (719) 389-6256
- Comparative Literature , Cossitt Hall
- Main (719) 227-8333
- Fax (719) 227-8334
- Counseling Center and Psychological Services , Yalich Student Services Center
- Main (719) 389-6093
- Fax (719) 389-6064
- Crown Center for Teaching , Tutt Library
- Dean of the College
- Dean of the College (719) 389-6687
- Executive Assistant to the Dean of the College (719) 389-6686
- Dean of the Faculty
- Main (719) 389-6682
- Fax (719) 389-6934
- Economics and Business , Palmer Hall
- Main (719) 389-6407
- Fax (719) 389-6927
- Ed Robson Arena , 849 N. Tejon St.
- Main (719) 389-7065
- Education , Mierow House
- Main (719) 389-6146
- Fax (719) 389-6473
- Literacy Specialist MAT Program: (719) 389-7284
- Teacher Education (MAT Program) (719) 389-6472
- El Pomar Sports Complex
- Adam F. Press Fitness Center (719) 389-6315 (719) 389-6112
- Athletics (719) 389-6475 (719) 389-6476
- Facility Reservations (719) 389-6485
- Schlessman Pool (719) 389-6494 (719) 389-6486
- English , Armstrong Hall
- Main (719) 389-6853
- Fax (719) 389-6833
- Environmental Program , Tutt Science Center
- (719) 389-6965
- Fax (719) 227-8229
- Facilities Services , Van Briggle Building
- Main (719) 389-6568
- Fax (719) 389-6981
- Vehicle Reservations (719) 389-6175
- Feminist and Gender Studies , Interdisciplinary House
- Main (719) 389-6909
- Director (719) 389-6397
- Film and Media Studies , Edith Kinney Gaylord Cornerstone Arts Center
- Main (719) 389-6614
- Finance and Administration , Spencer Center
- Accounts Payable (719) 389-6782
- Fax (719) 227-8241
- Budget Office (719) 389-6854
- Controller (719) 389-6953
- Endowment (719) 389-6320
- Fax (719) 389-6932
- Payroll (719) 389-6420
- Fax (719) 227-8241
- Purchasing (719) 389-6695
- Student Accounts (719) 389-6698
- Student Loans/Collections (719) 389-6456
- Vice President (719) 389-6693
- Financial Aid , Spencer Center
- Main (719) 389-6651
- Fax (719) 389-6173
- Fine Arts Center (Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center at Colorado College)
30 W. Dale St.- Main (719) 634-5581
- Fraternity Advisor, Worner Campus Center
- Main (719) 389-6800
- French , Armstrong Hall
- Main (719) 389-6732
- General Studies, Armstrong Hall
- Main (719) 389-6681
- Geology , Palmer Hall
- Main (719) 389-6621
- Fax (719) 389-6910
- German, Russian, and East Asian Languages , Armstrong Hall
- Main (719) 389-6635
- Gold Card (CC ID) , Worner Campus Center
- Main (719) 389-6607
- GET, Armstrong Hall (719) 389-6057
- Health Professions Advising
- Main (719) 389-6429
- Heating Plant
- Main (719) 389-6522
- History , Palmer Hall
- Main (719) 389-6523
- Fax (719) 389-6524
- Honor Council
- Main (719) 389-6527
- Housing and Residential Experience , Bemis Hall
- Main (719) 389-6618
- Fax (719) 389-7258
- Faculty Housing (719) 389-6200
- Loomis Desk (719) 389-6229
- Mathias Desk (719) 389-6254
- South Desk (719) 389-6300
- Hulbert Center Outreach Programs Coordinator
- Main (719) 389-6249
- Human Biology and Kinesiology , Olin Annex
- Main (719) 389-6946
- Human Resources 14 E. Cache La Poudre Street
- Main (719) 389-6421
- Interim Director (719) 389-6202
- Benefits (719) 389-6104 (719) 389-6422
- Employment (719) 389-6236
- Fax (719) 389-6926
- Institutional Research , Office of Institutional Planning & Effectiveness
- Main (719) 389-6842
- Associate Vice President (719) 389-6699
- International Student & Scholar Services , Armstrong Hall
- Main (719) 389-6281
- ITS: Solutions Center, Tutt Library
- Main (719) 389-6449
- Contracts (719) 389-6250
- Fax (719) 389-6963
- Fax, Armstrong Hall (719) 389-6959
- Tech Sandbox (719) 389-6159
- Equipment Reservation and Checkout (719) 389-6378
- Computing Support at the Solutions Center, Tutt Library (719) 389-6449
- Telecommunications Support (contact the Solutions Center) (719) 389-6449
- Japanese Program , Armstrong Hall
- Main (719) 389-6635
- KRCC Radio 720 N. Tejon
- Main (719) 473-4801
- Fax (719) 473-7863
- Leviathan (Student Publication)
- Lost and Found, Worner Campus Center
- Main (719) 389-6607
- Mail Services 819 N. Tejon St.
- Mail Services Supervisor (719) 389-6427
- Staff Mailroom (719) 389-6787
- Student Mailroom, Yalich Student Services Center (719) 389-6739
- Mathematics and Computer Science , Tutt Science Center
- Main (719) 389-6535
- Fax (719) 389-6841
- Molecular Biology , Olin Hall
- Main (719) 389-6395
- Music , Packard Hall
- Main (719) 389-6545
- Fax (719) 389-6882
- Music Library , Packard Hall
- Main (719) 389-6560
- Cataloging (719) 389-6960
- Circulation (719) 389-6560
- Fax (719) 389-6561
- Librarian's Office (719) 389-6126
- Ombuds Office , El Pomar 321
- Main (719) 389-6110
- Organismal Biology and Ecology , Olin Hall
- Main (719) 389-6912
- Fax (719) 389-6940
- Outdoor Education , Worner Campus Center
- Main (719) 389-6803
- Parent and Family Relations , Tutt Alumni House (
- Main (719) 389-6103
- Payroll , Spencer Center
- Main (719) 389-6420
- Fax (719) 227-8241
- Philosophy , Armstrong Hall
- Main (719) 389-6636
- Fax (719) 389-6179
- Physical Education, El Pomar Sports Center
- Main (719) 389-6475
- Physics , Barnes Science Center
- Main (719) 389-6577
- Fax (719) 389-6322
- Physics Observatory
- Main (719) 389-6906
- Political Science , Palmer Hall
- Main (719) 389-6583
- Fax (719) 389-6586
- President's Office , Spencer Center (
- Main (719) 389-6700
- Board of Trustees (719) 389-6705
- Cabinet (719) 389-6201
- Fax (719) 389-6933
- Parent and Family Relations, Spencer Center (719) 389-6103
- Press at Colorado College , Taylor Hall
- Main (719) 389-6376
- Print Shop , Creekside Facility, 234 W. San Miguel St.
- Main (719) 389-6950
- Psychology , Tutt Science Center
- Main (719) 389-6593
- Public Interest Fellowship Program , Morealle House
- Main (719) 227-8175
- Fax (719) 389-6271
- Race, Ethnicity, and Migration Studies (REMS) , Interdisciplinary House
- Department Staff (719) 389-6909
- Registrar , Armstrong Hall (
- Main (719) 389-6610
- Fax (719) 389-6931
- Religion , Armstrong Hall
- Main (719) 389-6636
- Fax (719) 389-6179
- Safe Ride Service (CCAT)
- Main (719) 389-6340
- Safety, Campus (24-hours) 219 E. Uintah, Worner 116
- On-Campus Emergency (719) 389-6911
- On-Campus Non-Emergency (719) 389-6707
- Parking (719) 389-6888
- Sexual Assault Response and Prevention , Yalich Student Services Center
- Main (719) 227-8101
- Shove Memorial Chapel
- Main (719) 389-6638
- Social Security and Veterans' Certification
- Main (719) 389-6610
- Sociology , Palmer Hall
- Main (719) 389-6820
- Fax (719) 227-8219
- Sodexo Environmental Services
- Main (719) 389-6357
- Fax (719) 389-6904
- General Manager (719) 389-6164
- Operations Manager (719) 389-6257
- Solutions Center (Computing Support) , Tutt Library
- Main (719) 389-6449
- Sorority Advisor, Worner Campus Center
- Main (719) 389-6800
- Southwest Studies , Hulbert Center, Dern House
- Main (719) 389-6649
- Director (719) 389-6241
- Event Registration Line (Aficionados) (719) 389-6334
- Fax (719) 389-6233
- Outreach Coordinator (719) 389-6249
- Spanish and Portuguese , Armstrong Hall
- Main (719) 389-6732
- Speech and Debate 822 N. Weber
- Main (719) 389-6509
- Sports Information (Athletics Communications) , El Pomar Sports Complex
- Main (719) 389-6755 (719) 389-6105
- State of the Rockies Project
- Main (719) 227-8145
- Director (719) 389-6241
- Student Life
- Main (719) 389-6689
- Fax (719) 389-6937
- Student Health Center (operated by Optum)
- Main (719) 389-6384
- Summer Music Festival , Packard 112
- Main (719) 389-6552
- Summer Session , Armstrong Hall
- Director of Summer Session (719) 389-6656
- Pre-College (719) 389-6098
- Administrative Assistant (719) 389-6655
- Sustainability Office , 1004 N Weber
- Main (719) 389-6025
- Telecommunications Support (Solutions Center)
- Main (719) 389-6449
- Theatre and Dance , Edith Kinney Gaylord Cornerstone Arts Center
- Main (719) 389-6637
- Fax (719) 389-6145
- Costume Shop, Edith Kinney Gaylord Cornerstone Arts Center (719) 389-6721
- Dance, Cossitt Hall Studio, Cossitt (719) 389-6459
- Scene Shop, Edith Kinney Gaylord Cornerstone Arts Center (719) 389-6747
- Title IX Coordinator David Jensen, Title IX Coordinator
- 14 E. Cache La Poudre St.
- Office 719-389-6881
- Tutt Library (
- Circulation (719) 389-6184
- Director's Office (719) 389-6070
- Interlibrary Loan (719) 389-6664
- Library Operations Manager (room reservations) (719) 389-6675
- Research Services (719) 389-6662
- Special Collections (719) 389-6668
- Veterans' and Social Security Certification
- Main (719) 389-6610
- Wellness Resource Center , Yalich Student Services Center
- Main (719) 389-6211
- Worner Campus Center
- Cabin Reservations (719) 389-6608
- Coburn Gallery (719) 389-6066
- Information (719) 389-6607
- Room Reservations (719) 389-6608
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Last updated: 02/18/2025